Insertech es una empresa de inserción social en el dominio de la informática. Desde 1998 ayudamos a jóvenes adultos desfavorecidos, con bajo nivel de escolaridad o con problemas personales, a ingresar al mercado laboral y retomar las riendas de sus vidas.
Estos jóvenes adultos asalariados ocupan diferentes puestos de trabajo en el seno de la empresa, bajo la estrecha supervisión de técnicos calificados.
Durante su formación de 6 meses de duración, los jóvenes desempeñan diversas que les facilitarán su inserción laboral y les ayudan a identificar sus intereses. Más de 40 jóvenes adultos completan esta formación cada año. El éxito de insertech es rotundo: más del 90% de los participantes del programa encuentran un trabajo o regresan a sus estudios. Este resultado excepcional demuestra tanto la motivación de los jóvenes, como la calidad de la formación que reciben
Nuestra corporación sin fines de lucro es dirigida por un consejo administrativo compuesto de representantes de diferentes áreas: negocios, educación y desarrollo social.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Ricyt - Seminario - ARG 2005
Ponencias y presentaciones desarrolladas durante el Seminario Redes de Conocimiento, organizado por la Red Iberoamericana de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología
Ponencias y presentaciones desarrolladas durante el Seminario Redes de Conocimiento, organizado por la Red Iberoamericana de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología
Monday, December 05, 2005
Jhai Foundation - Jhai PC -
The Jhai PC and Communication System
Our Jhai PC and Communication System responds to people’s expressed needs for telecommunications, business opportunities, and enhanced education for their children. Our business systems, way of doing development work together with new solid-state, low-wattage computers, like the Jhai PC, can help people with low income fill this need. The Jhai PC can be powered by any power source and uses a high-bandwidth wireless network.
The Jhai PC and Communication System
Our Jhai PC and Communication System responds to people’s expressed needs for telecommunications, business opportunities, and enhanced education for their children. Our business systems, way of doing development work together with new solid-state, low-wattage computers, like the Jhai PC, can help people with low income fill this need. The Jhai PC can be powered by any power source and uses a high-bandwidth wireless network.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
CARDICIS - Sociedad de la Información y Diversidad Cultural en el Caribe
Tiene por objetivos reunir los actores clave de la sociedad civil del Caribe especializados en el campo de las TICpD, así como los de los organismos internacionales particularmente interesados, a fin de reflexionar sobre la importancia del factor "diversidad cultural y lingüística" en la elaboración de soluciones regionales que permitan alcanzar una visión integral del Caribe. Establecer juntos estrategias para tratar este problema y documentar las posiciones comunes.
CARDICIS - Sociedad de la Información y Diversidad Cultural en el Caribe
Tiene por objetivos reunir los actores clave de la sociedad civil del Caribe especializados en el campo de las TICpD, así como los de los organismos internacionales particularmente interesados, a fin de reflexionar sobre la importancia del factor "diversidad cultural y lingüística" en la elaboración de soluciones regionales que permitan alcanzar una visión integral del Caribe. Establecer juntos estrategias para tratar este problema y documentar las posiciones comunes.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
World Touch - USA
Worlds Touch is a nonprofit organization (501(c)(3) status pending) dedicated to strengthening community-based nonprofit organizations in the developing world, offering technology planning and tools that:
- support policy decisions
- facilitate transparency
- gather statistical and qualitative data
- make reporting to constituents and stakeholders simpler and easier.
Worlds Touch is a nonprofit organization (501(c)(3) status pending) dedicated to strengthening community-based nonprofit organizations in the developing world, offering technology planning and tools that:
- support policy decisions
- facilitate transparency
- gather statistical and qualitative data
- make reporting to constituents and stakeholders simpler and easier.
Friday, November 25, 2005
IP3 - Georgia Institute of Technology
IP3 provides a framework to coordinate Internet policy-related research in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech. It promotes dialogue between researchers within and outside of the Institute, offering forums for debate and discussion.
IP3 provides a framework to coordinate Internet policy-related research in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech. It promotes dialogue between researchers within and outside of the Institute, offering forums for debate and discussion.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
ICT 4 ALL - Tunis 2005
ICT 4 all Exhibition
The ICT 4 all Exhibition and partnership area takes place from 15 to 19 November 2005 and is part of ICT 4 all, the major parallel event at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis 2005. The exhibition is open to both accredited participants of the WSIS and to general public concerned with ICT . It aims to enrich the political core of the WSIS by dealing with the people-centred development dimension of Information and Communication Technologies through a lively exhibition and partnership area with interactive workshops.
ICT 4 all Exhibition
The ICT 4 all Exhibition and partnership area takes place from 15 to 19 November 2005 and is part of ICT 4 all, the major parallel event at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis 2005. The exhibition is open to both accredited participants of the WSIS and to general public concerned with ICT . It aims to enrich the political core of the WSIS by dealing with the people-centred development dimension of Information and Communication Technologies through a lively exhibition and partnership area with interactive workshops.
Monday, November 14, 2005
IST - Africa
"While ICT cannot address all of [Africa's] problems, they can do much to place Africa on a firmer industrial footing... and strengthen the continent's human resources, with training that leads to sustainable livelihoods." Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General (20.11.2002)
Regional Impact of Information Society Technologies in Africa ("IST-Africa ") is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on reducing the Digital Divide in Sub-Saharan Africa.
"While ICT cannot address all of [Africa's] problems, they can do much to place Africa on a firmer industrial footing... and strengthen the continent's human resources, with training that leads to sustainable livelihoods." Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General (20.11.2002)
Regional Impact of Information Society Technologies in Africa ("IST-Africa ") is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on reducing the Digital Divide in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Codex is a network of people, organizations, websites and contents that share and make visible the idea of free knowledge. Whoever shares the idea that the society should be built for the benefit of human beings; that society should provide freedom and justice to every body; that in the new information and knowledge society every human being should be allowed to benefit the potential of digital networks can subscribe Codex reading the following text and sign it up...
Codex is a network of people, organizations, websites and contents that share and make visible the idea of free knowledge. Whoever shares the idea that the society should be built for the benefit of human beings; that society should provide freedom and justice to every body; that in the new information and knowledge society every human being should be allowed to benefit the potential of digital networks can subscribe Codex reading the following text and sign it up...
ITDG - Perú
Soluciones Prácticas - ITDG es un equipo de cooperación técnica internacional que trabaja junto a las poblaciones rurales y urbanas de menores recursos buscando soluciones prácticas para la pobreza mediante el uso de tecnologías apropiadas.
Estas tecnologías:
Parten de las experiencias de la población y las enriquecen, Reconocen su potencial y lo realzan, Respetan el ambiente y lo nutren, Construyen sobre el pasado para sostener el futuro.
"Un mundo libre de pobreza e injusticia, en el que la tecnología sea utilizada en beneficio de todos. "
Soluciones Prácticas - ITDG es un equipo de cooperación técnica internacional que trabaja junto a las poblaciones rurales y urbanas de menores recursos buscando soluciones prácticas para la pobreza mediante el uso de tecnologías apropiadas.
Estas tecnologías:
Parten de las experiencias de la población y las enriquecen, Reconocen su potencial y lo realzan, Respetan el ambiente y lo nutren, Construyen sobre el pasado para sostener el futuro.
"Un mundo libre de pobreza e injusticia, en el que la tecnología sea utilizada en beneficio de todos. "
Friday, November 11, 2005
Cumbre Ciudadana SI - Túnez
En Túnez, del 16 al 18 de noviembre de 2005, tendrá lugar una Cumbre Ciudadana sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CCSI), coincidiendo con la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI).
La CCSI será un nuevo mojón en la larga tradición de conferencias y Cumbres de Naciones Unidas complementadas con eventos organizados por grupos ciudadanos. Eventos anteriores de este tipo han alcanzado gran éxito durante conferencias tales como la Conferencia sobre Población y Desarrollo de El Cairo (1994), la Conferencia sobre la Mujer en Beijing (1995) y la Cumbre sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo en Monterrey (2002).
Los objetivos de la CCSI se dirigen en dos sentidos:
- Enviar un fuerte mensaje de apoyo y solidaridad desde la sociedad civil internacional a la sociedad civil y los ciudadanos locales;
- Encarar los principales temas en debate en la CMSI desde la perspectiva de grupos ciudadanos y el público en general.
En Túnez, del 16 al 18 de noviembre de 2005, tendrá lugar una Cumbre Ciudadana sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CCSI), coincidiendo con la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI).
La CCSI será un nuevo mojón en la larga tradición de conferencias y Cumbres de Naciones Unidas complementadas con eventos organizados por grupos ciudadanos. Eventos anteriores de este tipo han alcanzado gran éxito durante conferencias tales como la Conferencia sobre Población y Desarrollo de El Cairo (1994), la Conferencia sobre la Mujer en Beijing (1995) y la Cumbre sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo en Monterrey (2002).
Los objetivos de la CCSI se dirigen en dos sentidos:
- Enviar un fuerte mensaje de apoyo y solidaridad desde la sociedad civil internacional a la sociedad civil y los ciudadanos locales;
- Encarar los principales temas en debate en la CMSI desde la perspectiva de grupos ciudadanos y el público en general.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Mapa Global e-Inclusion
This map, produced by Alcatel and Maplecroft, features 178 countries colored according to one of four distinct levels of digital access - as presented in the Digital Access Index of the ITU. The map also describes the win-win benefits of engagement in facilitating digital inclusion and how companies can work in partnership with other stakeholders to
achieve greater levels of digital access for all segments of society.
Spotlights on company engagement in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, Europe, are presented alongside case studies that highlight the wide range of benefits and opportunities for all stakeholders involved.
This map, produced by Alcatel and Maplecroft, features 178 countries colored according to one of four distinct levels of digital access - as presented in the Digital Access Index of the ITU. The map also describes the win-win benefits of engagement in facilitating digital inclusion and how companies can work in partnership with other stakeholders to
achieve greater levels of digital access for all segments of society.
Spotlights on company engagement in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, Europe, are presented alongside case studies that highlight the wide range of benefits and opportunities for all stakeholders involved.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
III Encuentro Telecentros - Perú
III Encuentro Nacional de Telecentros y Afines
Arequipa 30 Nov - 03 Dic 2005
Del 30 de Noviembre al 3 de Diciembre se realizará el 3er Encuentro Nacional de Telecentros de Perú. Su anfitrión será el Sistema de Información Rural de Arequipa (SIRA). Los objetivos de este encuentro son:
Contribuir a que los telecentros y sistemas de información tengan mayor eficacia y eficiencia en el
empleo de las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo.
Fortalecer las capacidades y habilidades de coordinadores, operadores y demás asistentes al encuentro a partir del intercambio de experiencias, identificación de limitaciones y problemas, así como de “buenas practicas” que se han desarrollado en el uso de las TIC en sus respectivas comunidades.
Generar espacios para promover la colaboración entre proyectos e instituciones que trabajan TIC para el desarrollo en el Perú.
Difundir las experiencias e influir en tomadores de decisiones políticas. En primera instancia, en instituciones y organizaciones de la de la región Arequipa y la Macro Región Sur, motivándolas a una participación activa en la reducción de la brecha digital en zonas rurales.
III Encuentro Nacional de Telecentros y Afines
Arequipa 30 Nov - 03 Dic 2005
Del 30 de Noviembre al 3 de Diciembre se realizará el 3er Encuentro Nacional de Telecentros de Perú. Su anfitrión será el Sistema de Información Rural de Arequipa (SIRA). Los objetivos de este encuentro son:
Contribuir a que los telecentros y sistemas de información tengan mayor eficacia y eficiencia en el
empleo de las TIC como instrumento de desarrollo.
Fortalecer las capacidades y habilidades de coordinadores, operadores y demás asistentes al encuentro a partir del intercambio de experiencias, identificación de limitaciones y problemas, así como de “buenas practicas” que se han desarrollado en el uso de las TIC en sus respectivas comunidades.
Generar espacios para promover la colaboración entre proyectos e instituciones que trabajan TIC para el desarrollo en el Perú.
Difundir las experiencias e influir en tomadores de decisiones políticas. En primera instancia, en instituciones y organizaciones de la de la región Arequipa y la Macro Región Sur, motivándolas a una participación activa en la reducción de la brecha digital en zonas rurales.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Knowledge Divide - UNESCO
3 November 2005 ? With 90 per cent of all Internet users living in developed countries, governments must narrow the gap between North and South by expanding quality education for all, increasing community access to information and communication technology, and sharing scientific knowledge across borders, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report released today says.
3 November 2005 ? With 90 per cent of all Internet users living in developed countries, governments must narrow the gap between North and South by expanding quality education for all, increasing community access to information and communication technology, and sharing scientific knowledge across borders, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report released today says.
Sharing Foundation - Cambodia
The Sharing Foundation’s mission is to help meet the physical, emotional, educational and medical needs of orphaned and seriously disadvantaged children in Cambodia. Our goal is to help to prevent some of the problems associated with poverty by developing, in consultation with Cambodian community leaders, programs to improve the health and welfare of these children and their families.
The Sharing Foundation’s mission is to help meet the physical, emotional, educational and medical needs of orphaned and seriously disadvantaged children in Cambodia. Our goal is to help to prevent some of the problems associated with poverty by developing, in consultation with Cambodian community leaders, programs to improve the health and welfare of these children and their families.
Gutenberg Project - USA
There are 16,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Catalog.
If you don't live in the United States, please check the copyright laws of your country before downloading an ebook.
Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet. Our collection was produced by hundreds of volunteers.
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
There are 16,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Catalog.
If you don't live in the United States, please check the copyright laws of your country before downloading an ebook.
Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet. Our collection was produced by hundreds of volunteers.
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Programa SI - CEPAL
El programa de la Sociedad de la Información de la CEPAL hace parte del plan de trabajo de la División Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial (DDPE) y esta constituido de un equipo de expertos y asistentes fijos y un número considerable de consultores. El programa cuenta con la ayuda financiera de la Unión Europea, en el marco del Dialogo Político y Regulatorio de la Alianza para la Sociedad de al Información (@LIS) y del Instituto para la Conectividad en las Americas (ICA) .
El programa de la Sociedad de la Información de la CEPAL hace parte del plan de trabajo de la División Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial (DDPE) y esta constituido de un equipo de expertos y asistentes fijos y un número considerable de consultores. El programa cuenta con la ayuda financiera de la Unión Europea, en el marco del Dialogo Político y Regulatorio de la Alianza para la Sociedad de al Información (@LIS) y del Instituto para la Conectividad en las Americas (ICA) .
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
ICT for Global Education and Development - Action Project
IRFD has embarked on a comprehensive ICT application for global education and development. This effort will result in establishing a Globally Based Computerized and Electronic Education Infrastructure Network and implementing a comprehensive “e-Community Development Strategy.”
IRFD will strive for the following core objectives: (i) educating children, youth, men, women, mentally challenged people; (ii) generating and disseminating knowledge; (iii) promoting access to information and communication rights; and (iv) application of ICT into socio-economic, politico-cultural development, particularly in marginalized communities, and regions (both in rural and urban).
IRFD has embarked on a comprehensive ICT application for global education and development. This effort will result in establishing a Globally Based Computerized and Electronic Education Infrastructure Network and implementing a comprehensive “e-Community Development Strategy.”
IRFD will strive for the following core objectives: (i) educating children, youth, men, women, mentally challenged people; (ii) generating and disseminating knowledge; (iii) promoting access to information and communication rights; and (iv) application of ICT into socio-economic, politico-cultural development, particularly in marginalized communities, and regions (both in rural and urban).
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sitio Sur - Chile
Corporación de Estudios Sociales, Consultores, y Editorial, de la República de Chile. Temas :Comunicación y TIC, Convivencia social y seguridad ciudadana, Desarrollo local y municipio, Ediciones SUR, Escuelas y cursos de formación, Género, Medioambiente, territorio y ciudadanía, Hechos urbanos, Ciudad, vivienda y desigualdad.
Corporación de Estudios Sociales, Consultores, y Editorial, de la República de Chile. Temas :Comunicación y TIC, Convivencia social y seguridad ciudadana, Desarrollo local y municipio, Ediciones SUR, Escuelas y cursos de formación, Género, Medioambiente, territorio y ciudadanía, Hechos urbanos, Ciudad, vivienda y desigualdad.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Proyecto BRISA - Aragón, España
Guía para la Gestión de Telecentros Rurales, bajo el lema "Construyendo una Sociedad Rural de la Información, en Aragón, España.
Guía para la Gestión de Telecentros Rurales, bajo el lema "Construyendo una Sociedad Rural de la Información, en Aragón, España.
EUTA - Hungary
European Union of Telecottage Associations
EUTA - The way of e-inclusion
EUTA is an NGO founded by telecottage[1] associations of 7 European countries, located in Budaors, Hungary. The organization is open for other countrywide associations as well.
The organization is a specialist in organizing trainings on telecottage creation, services, management and sustainability, collecting and disseminating good solutions, creating training materials in community access topics,
advisory work for organizing community access point based associations
European Union of Telecottage Associations
EUTA - The way of e-inclusion
EUTA is an NGO founded by telecottage[1] associations of 7 European countries, located in Budaors, Hungary. The organization is open for other countrywide associations as well.
The organization is a specialist in organizing trainings on telecottage creation, services, management and sustainability, collecting and disseminating good solutions, creating training materials in community access topics,
advisory work for organizing community access point based associations
Telecenters of América
Telecenters of the Americas Partership (TAP) was established to serve major regional telecenter networks across the Americas to support their sustainability strategies by providing technical assistance and organizational development resources and opportunities to benefit individual telecenters and their communities. The TAP Associates are committed to identifying the needs and redressing the problems of national or regional telecenters, and has as one of its foremost aims supporting the education and economic development and well being of its clients who are socially and economically disadvantaged. No services will be denied to any organizations or clients on the basis of age, color, creed, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, or individuals with disabilities
Telecenters of the Americas Partership (TAP) was established to serve major regional telecenter networks across the Americas to support their sustainability strategies by providing technical assistance and organizational development resources and opportunities to benefit individual telecenters and their communities. The TAP Associates are committed to identifying the needs and redressing the problems of national or regional telecenters, and has as one of its foremost aims supporting the education and economic development and well being of its clients who are socially and economically disadvantaged. No services will be denied to any organizations or clients on the basis of age, color, creed, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, or individuals with disabilities
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Law Project - Italy - UE
What is the LAW Project?
The LAW project - Labour Market Changes and Welfare Perspectives in Europe - aims at investigating the connections between the recent structural changes of the labour market in the 'Information Society' and the welfare systems evolution.
What is the LAW Project?
The LAW project - Labour Market Changes and Welfare Perspectives in Europe - aims at investigating the connections between the recent structural changes of the labour market in the 'Information Society' and the welfare systems evolution.
Information Society Project - Uni Yale
The Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School was created in 1997 to study the implications of the Internet, telecommunications, and the new information technologies on law and society. Much of its work has focused on issues of freedom of speech, democracy, and the growth and spread of cultures on the Internet. In past years the ISP has studied the free speech implications of filtering and rating systems, and designed a voluntary labeling system that has been endorsed by the European Commission and adopted by the Internet Content Rating Association. It has also studied civic participation on the Internet, the civil liberties implications of intellectual property protection, memetics and the evolution of cultures and ideologies, and the effects of the new communications technologies on globalization. The project embraces a variety of activities, including fellowships for young scholars and advice and education for policy makers, business leaders, nonprofit organizations, and the legal community. It also runs a Weblog, Lawmeme, which offers commentary on developing technology issues. The project director is Professor Jack Balkin.
The Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School was created in 1997 to study the implications of the Internet, telecommunications, and the new information technologies on law and society. Much of its work has focused on issues of freedom of speech, democracy, and the growth and spread of cultures on the Internet. In past years the ISP has studied the free speech implications of filtering and rating systems, and designed a voluntary labeling system that has been endorsed by the European Commission and adopted by the Internet Content Rating Association. It has also studied civic participation on the Internet, the civil liberties implications of intellectual property protection, memetics and the evolution of cultures and ideologies, and the effects of the new communications technologies on globalization. The project embraces a variety of activities, including fellowships for young scholars and advice and education for policy makers, business leaders, nonprofit organizations, and the legal community. It also runs a Weblog, Lawmeme, which offers commentary on developing technology issues. The project director is Professor Jack Balkin.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
World Digital Culture - 2005
World Digital Culture: borders/no borders
The aim of this project is to review and visualize the impact of new technologies , especially information technologies (internet, mobile phones, email, DVD´s, videogames, sms, digital cameras, etc) in our countries .
World Digital Culture: borders/no borders
The aim of this project is to review and visualize the impact of new technologies , especially information technologies (internet, mobile phones, email, DVD´s, videogames, sms, digital cameras, etc) in our countries .
Monday, October 10, 2005
La Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones es una red internacional de organizaciones cívicas, dedicada a empoderar y
apoyar a grupos y particulares a través del uso estratégico de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, especialmente de las tecnologías de Internet.
apoyar a grupos y particulares a través del uso estratégico de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, especialmente de las tecnologías de Internet.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
TICs para el Desarrollo de Pueblos Indigenas - 2005
El taller pretende reunir a representantes indígenas, responsables de
áreas de comunicación, comunicadores populares, comunitarios,
responsables en desarrollo de contenidos, información virtual y toda
persona comprometida con el trabajo relacionado a la
comunicación-información de las organizaciones indígenas de la región,
para capacitarlos sobre las distintas implicaciones técnicas y
metodológicas de las TICs.
El taller pretende reunir a representantes indígenas, responsables de
áreas de comunicación, comunicadores populares, comunitarios,
responsables en desarrollo de contenidos, información virtual y toda
persona comprometida con el trabajo relacionado a la
comunicación-información de las organizaciones indígenas de la región,
para capacitarlos sobre las distintas implicaciones técnicas y
metodológicas de las TICs.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Marc Prensky - Home
Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He is the author of Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001), the founder and CEO of Games2train (whose clients include IBM, Nokia, Pfizer, and the US Department of Defense) and creator of the sites and .
Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He is the author of Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001), the founder and CEO of Games2train (whose clients include IBM, Nokia, Pfizer, and the US Department of Defense) and creator of the sites and .
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Enlace Quiché - Guatemala
Este Proyecto tiene como Objetivo apoyar la educación bilingüe intercultural en Guatemala a través de la tecnología educativa. Es un gran trabajo de promoción y defensa de la lengua y cultura Maya en la red.
Este Proyecto tiene como Objetivo apoyar la educación bilingüe intercultural en Guatemala a través de la tecnología educativa. Es un gran trabajo de promoción y defensa de la lengua y cultura Maya en la red.
WSIS 2005 - Concurso Internacional
Listado de 40 Proyectos seleccionados para WSIS 2005 donde saldrán los premiados en diferentes áreas: eLearning, eInclusión, etc.
Listado de 40 Proyectos seleccionados para WSIS 2005 donde saldrán los premiados en diferentes áreas: eLearning, eInclusión, etc.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Google en Quechua
El Buscador Google ha incorporado el Quechua, otro paso en el camino de la eInclusión
El Buscador Google ha incorporado el Quechua, otro paso en el camino de la eInclusión
Friday, September 16, 2005
12 Congreso Internacional EAD - Brasil
En Florianópolis, 18 al 22 de Septiembre de 2005. Organizado la Asociación Brasilera de EaD, UFS, UNESCO y otros.
En Florianópolis, 18 al 22 de Septiembre de 2005. Organizado la Asociación Brasilera de EaD, UFS, UNESCO y otros.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Calendario Científico Internacional
This calendar lists international conferences expected to be of interest to those working in information science and related disciplines.
This calendar lists international conferences expected to be of interest to those working in information science and related disciplines.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
e- Learning 2005 - Conference - India
Digital Learning 2005
Theme: ICT and Education: Challenges and Practices
>Digital Learning 2005-The ICT and Education Conference is to be held in conjunction with Conflux 2005: The e-Government Conference, which is a joint effort of Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies
(CSDMS) and the Department of Information Technology, Government of India.
Last date for receipt of abstracts : 25 September, 2005
Confirmation of abstracts : 30 September, 2005
Full paper submission : 10 October, 2005
Digital Learning 2005
Theme: ICT and Education: Challenges and Practices
>Digital Learning 2005-The ICT and Education Conference is to be held in conjunction with Conflux 2005: The e-Government Conference, which is a joint effort of Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies
(CSDMS) and the Department of Information Technology, Government of India.
Last date for receipt of abstracts : 25 September, 2005
Confirmation of abstracts : 30 September, 2005
Full paper submission : 10 October, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
OUR Media - eDemocracy
OURMedia/NuestrosMedios is a transnational network with over 400 academics, activists,
researchers, practitioners and advocates working across every continent and in more than 40
countries. Its aim is to research, strengthen and support media and information/communication
technologies (ICT's) that support social justice, human rights, community autonomy and grassroots empowerment.
OURMedia Annual Conferences have taken place since 2001 and have become active spaces for
enabling strategic collaboration and analysis.
Past conferences have been organized in Washington D.C (2001), Barcelona (2002),
Barranquilla, Colombia (2003) and Porto Alegre, Brazil (2004).
This year the conference will take place in Bangalore, India from December 5-9, 2005.
OURMedia/NuestrosMedios is a transnational network with over 400 academics, activists,
researchers, practitioners and advocates working across every continent and in more than 40
countries. Its aim is to research, strengthen and support media and information/communication
technologies (ICT's) that support social justice, human rights, community autonomy and grassroots empowerment.
OURMedia Annual Conferences have taken place since 2001 and have become active spaces for
enabling strategic collaboration and analysis.
Past conferences have been organized in Washington D.C (2001), Barcelona (2002),
Barranquilla, Colombia (2003) and Porto Alegre, Brazil (2004).
This year the conference will take place in Bangalore, India from December 5-9, 2005.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Bridging The Digital Divide In The Americas - Quebec - Canadá
When discussing the many inequalities of our hemisphere, one recurrent issue is the so-called digital divide. This divide exists not only along the traditional lines of north/south disparities (developed versus developing countries) but also within countries when comparing urban and rural areas and particularly the social structure of wealthy minorities and poverty-stricken majorities.
When discussing the many inequalities of our hemisphere, one recurrent issue is the so-called digital divide. This divide exists not only along the traditional lines of north/south disparities (developed versus developing countries) but also within countries when comparing urban and rural areas and particularly the social structure of wealthy minorities and poverty-stricken majorities.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Comunidades de Aprendizaje - Fronesis
Aquí entendemos por Comunidad de Aprendizaje una comunidad humana, territorialmente delimitada (barrio, pueblo, ciudad, municipio, etc.), que asume un proyecto educativo y cultural propio, orientado al desarrollo local integral y al desarrollo humano, en donde todos se comprometen con el aprendizaje - niños, jóvenes y adultos- inspirados en un esfuerzo intergeneracional, endógeno, cooperativo y solidario, que parte de un diagnóstico no sólo de sus carencias sino, sobre todo, de sus fortalezas y posibilidades.
Aquí entendemos por Comunidad de Aprendizaje una comunidad humana, territorialmente delimitada (barrio, pueblo, ciudad, municipio, etc.), que asume un proyecto educativo y cultural propio, orientado al desarrollo local integral y al desarrollo humano, en donde todos se comprometen con el aprendizaje - niños, jóvenes y adultos- inspirados en un esfuerzo intergeneracional, endógeno, cooperativo y solidario, que parte de un diagnóstico no sólo de sus carencias sino, sobre todo, de sus fortalezas y posibilidades.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Inveneo Project - Bukuuku - Uganda
To strengthen communities, bridge families and save lives in remote villages through information and communication technology.
What We Do
We create and deploy innovative technology solutions that provide remote villages and the NGOs that serve them access to information technology and essential communication capabilities.
Our First Solution
A low cost, ruggedized, pedal and solar-powered PC and communications system that provides remote villages access to simple computing, voice calling, e-mail and the Internet.
To strengthen communities, bridge families and save lives in remote villages through information and communication technology.
What We Do
We create and deploy innovative technology solutions that provide remote villages and the NGOs that serve them access to information technology and essential communication capabilities.
Our First Solution
A low cost, ruggedized, pedal and solar-powered PC and communications system that provides remote villages access to simple computing, voice calling, e-mail and the Internet.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Open Knowledge Initiative
The Open Knowledge Initiative started at MIT in 2001 with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. O.K.I. completed its first phase in July 2003 with delivery of the following:
A set of specifications that define interactions between educational software modules, programs, and systems within and across institutions
Open source code for a reference implementation of each specification, with documentation of the architectural assumptions that underlie the specifications
Open source code demonstrating the application of OSIDs to achieve service level interoperability
The Open Knowledge Initiative started at MIT in 2001 with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. O.K.I. completed its first phase in July 2003 with delivery of the following:
A set of specifications that define interactions between educational software modules, programs, and systems within and across institutions
Open source code for a reference implementation of each specification, with documentation of the architectural assumptions that underlie the specifications
Open source code demonstrating the application of OSIDs to achieve service level interoperability
Sunday, July 10, 2005
First International Conference on e-Social Science - UK
First International Conference on e-Social Science
22nd – 24th June 2005
Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK
The conference will consist of one day workshops and a two day paper session which will include sessions and workshops on future cities modelling, collaboration, the usability of e-science, tools for e-social science and access grid technology.
First International Conference on e-Social Science
22nd – 24th June 2005
Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK
The conference will consist of one day workshops and a two day paper session which will include sessions and workshops on future cities modelling, collaboration, the usability of e-science, tools for e-social science and access grid technology.
A.O.I.R - Association of Internet Researchers
The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope.
The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Campus para la Paz - UOC
Programa de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
En el Año Internacional de la Cultura de la Paz, decretado por la UNESCO, la Universitat Oberta se propone crear el Campus for Peace, un proyecto que quiere poner las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación al servicio de la cooperación, la solidaridad, la alfabetización, la sostenibilidad, la ayuda humanitaria y la paz.
El Campus for Peace (C4P) es el programa de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)mediante el cual la institución vehicula su papel de agente de cooperación, aportando conocimientos, recursos y capacidades técnicas y coordinando, canalizando y dando apoyo a la actividad de la comunidad universitaria en materia de cooperación y solidaridad, según su principio de compromiso ético con la sociedad.
Programa de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
En el Año Internacional de la Cultura de la Paz, decretado por la UNESCO, la Universitat Oberta se propone crear el Campus for Peace, un proyecto que quiere poner las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación al servicio de la cooperación, la solidaridad, la alfabetización, la sostenibilidad, la ayuda humanitaria y la paz.
El Campus for Peace (C4P) es el programa de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)mediante el cual la institución vehicula su papel de agente de cooperación, aportando conocimientos, recursos y capacidades técnicas y coordinando, canalizando y dando apoyo a la actividad de la comunidad universitaria en materia de cooperación y solidaridad, según su principio de compromiso ético con la sociedad.
ICTlogy - BCN
Sitio de Ismael Peña, doctorando en SI de la UOC, España, donde comunica sus investigaciones sobre: Proyectos e-Learning, Intranets, On Line Voluntarios, y e-Inclusion. Ofrece Direcciones y sitios de interes vinculados a su área.
II Jornadas Internet y Solidaridad - Barcelona, Junio 2005
Algunas reflexiones alrededor del pleno accéso a la Sociedad de la Información
Las II Jornadas Internet y Solidaridad tuvieron lugar el 7 y 8 de Junio de 2005. A continuación presentamos 13 puntos que querrían resumir lo que durante dos días hablaron y debatieron los más de 30 ponentes con el público asistente a las 6 sesiones plenarias y 4 sesiones paralelas.
Algunas reflexiones alrededor del pleno accéso a la Sociedad de la Información
Las II Jornadas Internet y Solidaridad tuvieron lugar el 7 y 8 de Junio de 2005. A continuación presentamos 13 puntos que querrían resumir lo que durante dos días hablaron y debatieron los más de 30 ponentes con el público asistente a las 6 sesiones plenarias y 4 sesiones paralelas.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Tecnología inalámbrica brinda acceso a internet a las comunidades amazónicas
Trabajo desarrollado en colaboración con RITS, miembro de APC en Brasil, con al apoyo de la Fundación Avina y del Instituto para la Conectividad en las Américas. Dos telecentros ya fueron instalados en las comunidades de Suruacá y Maguari, en los márgenes del río Tapajós. Uno más está previsto para ser inaugurado en Belterra.
Trabajo desarrollado en colaboración con RITS, miembro de APC en Brasil, con al apoyo de la Fundación Avina y del Instituto para la Conectividad en las Américas. Dos telecentros ya fueron instalados en las comunidades de Suruacá y Maguari, en los márgenes del río Tapajós. Uno más está previsto para ser inaugurado en Belterra.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Sengerema MCT Project - Tanzania
A trainer’s experience at the Sengerema Community Multimedia Centre (CMC) in Tanzania
01-07-2005 (UNESCO)
Lismas Julius is an IT Trainer at the Sengerema Community Multimedia Centre in Tanzania, one of the CMCs supported by UNESCO and giving communities in developing countries access to information and communication services. Like other CMCs, Sengerema combines a community radio station with the infrastructure of a telecentre that offers access to ICTs and short computer training courses to locals.
A trainer’s experience at the Sengerema Community Multimedia Centre (CMC) in Tanzania
01-07-2005 (UNESCO)
Lismas Julius is an IT Trainer at the Sengerema Community Multimedia Centre in Tanzania, one of the CMCs supported by UNESCO and giving communities in developing countries access to information and communication services. Like other CMCs, Sengerema combines a community radio station with the infrastructure of a telecentre that offers access to ICTs and short computer training courses to locals.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for Development
Nuevo sitio web de un proyecto internacional sobre mujeres, TICS y iniciativas productivas (enterprise) encabezado por Richard Heeks.
-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: An Enterprise Perspective-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: A Gender Perspective-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: A Livelihoods Perspective-Researching Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for
Development: Methods, Tools and Lessons from Fieldwork-Handbook on making best use of e-commerce in
micro/small enterprises(Uganda-focused but with generic guidance materials).-Handbook on ICTs and Small Enterprise for Enterprise Support Agency Staff (link to page with versions in English, French and Spanish)-Handbook on ICTs and Small Enterprise for Entrepreneurs
Nuevo sitio web de un proyecto internacional sobre mujeres, TICS y iniciativas productivas (enterprise) encabezado por Richard Heeks.
-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: An Enterprise Perspective-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: A Gender Perspective-Researching ICT-Based Enterprise for Women in Developing Countries: A Livelihoods Perspective-Researching Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for
Development: Methods, Tools and Lessons from Fieldwork-Handbook on making best use of e-commerce in
micro/small enterprises(Uganda-focused but with generic guidance materials).-Handbook on ICTs and Small Enterprise for Enterprise Support Agency Staff (link to page with versions in English, French and Spanish)-Handbook on ICTs and Small Enterprise for Entrepreneurs
Telecentros: un nuevo modelo de apropiación social de TICs -Choike
Durante las últimas décadas se ha registrado un aumento exponencial en la creación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, especialmente las referidas a la información y comunicación. Sin embargo, la configuración mundial actual de disponibilidad de estas tecnologías evidencia una continuidad con las distribuciones desiguales de poder y riqueza, de modo que la llamada "brecha digital" emerge como subdimensión de la brecha económica entre países más y menos desarrollados. Estas inequidades también se registran al interior de las sociedades, especialmente en aquellas más pobres, donde los sectores de mayor nivel socioeconómico son los que concentran el acceso y la propiedad de las nuevas tecnologías.
Durante las últimas décadas se ha registrado un aumento exponencial en la creación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, especialmente las referidas a la información y comunicación. Sin embargo, la configuración mundial actual de disponibilidad de estas tecnologías evidencia una continuidad con las distribuciones desiguales de poder y riqueza, de modo que la llamada "brecha digital" emerge como subdimensión de la brecha económica entre países más y menos desarrollados. Estas inequidades también se registran al interior de las sociedades, especialmente en aquellas más pobres, donde los sectores de mayor nivel socioeconómico son los que concentran el acceso y la propiedad de las nuevas tecnologías.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Development Gateway - Premios
Listado de 6 Finalistas de este Premio a los Proyectos TICs y sociedad de todo el mundo.
Listado de 6 Finalistas de este Premio a los Proyectos TICs y sociedad de todo el mundo.
Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro - UNESCO
Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro
Por Edgar Morin
Ex director de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciencies Sociales. Paris.
Presentación del texto publicado por Unesco.
Por Edgar Morin
Ex director de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciencies Sociales. Paris.
Presentación del texto publicado por Unesco.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
GUS - Global University Project - Finnland
In this chapter, we describe the development of a global electronic university consortium to meet the challenge of global education in the twenty-first century by bringing together all kinds of higher education in- stitutions, governmental and non-governmental, business, and private, to exchange lectures and courses from country to country. We begin with a brief account of the steps taken over the past dozen years to pave the way for such an enterprise. Then we describe measures already being implemented to set in motion the first concrete phase: establishment of a Global/Pacific (electronic) University (GPU) Consortium. Questions of membership and organizational structure are discussed in light of GPU's intention to transcend cultural barriers, encouraging full participation from all levels of a global society. Finally it presents a specific agenda for the GPU in the upcoming year, and activities and initiatives planned for the near future.
In this chapter, we describe the development of a global electronic university consortium to meet the challenge of global education in the twenty-first century by bringing together all kinds of higher education in- stitutions, governmental and non-governmental, business, and private, to exchange lectures and courses from country to country. We begin with a brief account of the steps taken over the past dozen years to pave the way for such an enterprise. Then we describe measures already being implemented to set in motion the first concrete phase: establishment of a Global/Pacific (electronic) University (GPU) Consortium. Questions of membership and organizational structure are discussed in light of GPU's intention to transcend cultural barriers, encouraging full participation from all levels of a global society. Finally it presents a specific agenda for the GPU in the upcoming year, and activities and initiatives planned for the near future.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
IRIE - International Review of Information Ethics
The IRIE - formerly IJIE, renamed due to a name similiarity with another information ethics journal - is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It envisions an international as well as intercultural discussion focusing on the ethical impacts of information technology on human practices and thinking, social interaction, other areas of science and research and the society itself.
The journal seeks to be a general forum for ethical scholarship in this area. It seeks to publish the best available scientific works concerned twice a year in an online edition
The IRIE - formerly IJIE, renamed due to a name similiarity with another information ethics journal - is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It envisions an international as well as intercultural discussion focusing on the ethical impacts of information technology on human practices and thinking, social interaction, other areas of science and research and the society itself.
The journal seeks to be a general forum for ethical scholarship in this area. It seeks to publish the best available scientific works concerned twice a year in an online edition
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Brecha Digital - Seminario Murcia - Julio 2005
Universidad Internacional del Mar 2004 , Lorca
Brecha digital y nuevas necesidades de alfabetizacion
Lorca. Del 19-07-2004 al 23-07-2004
Dirección: D. José A. Gómez Hernández.
Coordinador de Proyección Cultural. Vicerrectorado de Extensión Cultural y Proyección Universitaria. Universidad de Murcia.
D. Tomás Jiménez García.
Director Área de Tecnologías de la Información (ATICA). Universidad de Murcia.
Revisar las implicaciones sociales, económicas, culturales, educativas o lingüísticas de Internet y la sociedad digital.
Analizar los conceptos de brecha digital, alfabetización digital y alfabetización informacional.
Analizar y revisar propuestas y políticas de las distintas administraciones para compensar la brecha digital.
Describir propuestas de alfabetización digital e informacional desarrolladas por ayuntamientos, bibliotecas, sistema educativo, universidad, administraciones
Universidad Internacional del Mar 2004 , Lorca
Brecha digital y nuevas necesidades de alfabetizacion
Lorca. Del 19-07-2004 al 23-07-2004
Dirección: D. José A. Gómez Hernández.
Coordinador de Proyección Cultural. Vicerrectorado de Extensión Cultural y Proyección Universitaria. Universidad de Murcia.
D. Tomás Jiménez García.
Director Área de Tecnologías de la Información (ATICA). Universidad de Murcia.
Revisar las implicaciones sociales, económicas, culturales, educativas o lingüísticas de Internet y la sociedad digital.
Analizar los conceptos de brecha digital, alfabetización digital y alfabetización informacional.
Analizar y revisar propuestas y políticas de las distintas administraciones para compensar la brecha digital.
Describir propuestas de alfabetización digital e informacional desarrolladas por ayuntamientos, bibliotecas, sistema educativo, universidad, administraciones
Monday, June 13, 2005
First International Conference on Information and Communication 2006
First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2006)
May 25-26, 2006, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
The past decade has witnessed an explosion in projects that apply information and communication technologies (ICT) to support socio-economic development. Every sector is involved governments, academia, small start-ups, large corporations, inter-governmental organizations, and non-profits and non-governmental organizations. In spite of the
tremendous energy and resources behind these projects, scientifically sound research in this space is just beginning to emerge. What is the actual impact of ICT projects? What novel technology is required to meet development needs? What methodologies lead to success or failure of a project?
First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2006)
May 25-26, 2006, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
The past decade has witnessed an explosion in projects that apply information and communication technologies (ICT) to support socio-economic development. Every sector is involved governments, academia, small start-ups, large corporations, inter-governmental organizations, and non-profits and non-governmental organizations. In spite of the
tremendous energy and resources behind these projects, scientifically sound research in this space is just beginning to emerge. What is the actual impact of ICT projects? What novel technology is required to meet development needs? What methodologies lead to success or failure of a project?
Friday, June 03, 2005
2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies -Italy
The relationship between communities and technology is an increasingly important research topic as the number of communities turning to technology for online and face-to-face support grows. The Second International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T 2005) conference provides a forum for stimulating and disseminating research about all facets of community and technology support for communities.
The conference is jointly organized the by University of Milano and University of Milano Bicocca.
The conference is jointly organized the by University of Milano and University of Milano Bicocca.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Open Society Institute - Soros
The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grantmaking foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform. On a local level, OSI implements a range of initiatives to support the rule of law, education, public health, and independent media. At the same time, OSI works to build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as combating corruption and rights abuses. Soros.Org
Monday, May 23, 2005
Rural School - Tibet
Escuela Rural para mujeres Tibetanas
Escuela Rural para mujeres Tibetanas
Monday, May 16, 2005
Slashdot - Conocimiento Científico para todos - Holanda
Dutch Academics Declare Research Free-For-All Posted by samzenpus on Thursday May 12, @05:46AM
from the free-knowledge dept.
houghi writes "The register reports how the Dutch open up their research to the rest of the world. It goes on to tell that commercial scientific publishers such as Elsevier Science are not happy with it. Will other countries and universities follow, or will they stick to the idea that knowledge is a commodity?"
Dutch Academics Declare Research Free-For-All Posted by samzenpus on Thursday May 12, @05:46AM
from the free-knowledge dept.
houghi writes "The register reports how the Dutch open up their research to the rest of the world. It goes on to tell that commercial scientific publishers such as Elsevier Science are not happy with it. Will other countries and universities follow, or will they stick to the idea that knowledge is a commodity?"
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 02, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Inst.Prospective Technological Studies - EU Comission Es una Institución de la Comisión Europea con sede en Sevilla, España. Su campo: socioeconomía, ciencia, y tecnología, políticas públicas.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
e-Inclusión Amazonia - Brazil
"No início, tínhamos receio de que os telecentros abririam um mundo tão novo para essas comunidades que poderia absorver – ou sufocar – toda a cultura tradicional desses povos. Na prática, percebemos que o mundo novo se abriu, mas em vez de enfraquecer os conhecimentos tradicionais, aconteceu o contrário: os comunitários, ao se depararem na Internet com este novo mundo, tão diferente, conseguiram identificar melhor quem são eles e agora querem montar os sites comunitários para apresentarem a realidade deles para o mundo". Caetano Scannavino, coordenador do Projeto Saúde e Alegria, Brazil.
"No início, tínhamos receio de que os telecentros abririam um mundo tão novo para essas comunidades que poderia absorver – ou sufocar – toda a cultura tradicional desses povos. Na prática, percebemos que o mundo novo se abriu, mas em vez de enfraquecer os conhecimentos tradicionais, aconteceu o contrário: os comunitários, ao se depararem na Internet com este novo mundo, tão diferente, conseguiram identificar melhor quem são eles e agora querem montar os sites comunitários para apresentarem a realidade deles para o mundo". Caetano Scannavino, coordenador do Projeto Saúde e Alegria, Brazil.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
XXV - Congreso Alas
XXV CONGRESO ALAS, Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología - 22-26
Agosto 2005
Agosto 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation of All in Cyberspace - UNESCO
Bamako, Mali, 6-7 May 2005
UNESCO, in partnership with the Académie Africaine des Langues (ACALAN), the Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (AIF) and the Government of Mali and other international institutions, is organising a Conference on “Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation of All in Cyberspace” in Bamako, Mali, on 6 and 7 May 2005. The event is one of UNESCO’s thematic meetings in preparation for the second meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005).
UNESCO, in partnership with the Académie Africaine des Langues (ACALAN), the Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (AIF) and the Government of Mali and other international institutions, is organising a Conference on “Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation of All in Cyberspace” in Bamako, Mali, on 6 and 7 May 2005. The event is one of UNESCO’s thematic meetings in preparation for the second meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005).
Monday, March 21, 2005
Capitale Sociale - Resources for the Study of Social Capital
Fabio Sabatini is a Phd student in Political Economy at the Department of Public Economics, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Economics. His research interests include social capital, the social aspects of economic growth and development, the welfare state, and topics related to the fight against poverty and inequalities. His doctoral dissertation is about the relationship between social capital and economic development. His supervisor is professor Claudio Gnesutta.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
CNTI - Venezuela
Festival de Instalación de Software Libre Latinoamericano
El Festival de instalación de software libre latinoamericano es un evento cuyo propósito es promover el uso de software libre y la integración de comunidades de usuarios de software libre en todos los países de latinoamérica.
Festival de Instalación de Software Libre Latinoamericano
El Festival de instalación de software libre latinoamericano es un evento cuyo propósito es promover el uso de software libre y la integración de comunidades de usuarios de software libre en todos los países de latinoamérica.
Friday, March 18, 2005
On Line Conference 2005 - Uni Stanford - Links
Links Academicos de Interes sobre SI
Links Academicos de Interes sobre SI
CPSR - Computer Professional for Social Responsability
CPSR is a global organization promoting the responsible use of computer technology. Founded in 1981, CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a wide range of issues. CPSR has incubated numerous projects such as Privaterra, the Public Sphere Project, EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the 21st Century Project, the Civil Society Project, and the CFP (Computers, Freedom & Privacy) Conference. Originally founded by U.S. computer scientists, CPSR now has members in over 30 countries on six continents.
CPSR is a global organization promoting the responsible use of computer technology. Founded in 1981, CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a wide range of issues. CPSR has incubated numerous projects such as Privaterra, the Public Sphere Project, EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the 21st Century Project, the Civil Society Project, and the CFP (Computers, Freedom & Privacy) Conference. Originally founded by U.S. computer scientists, CPSR now has members in over 30 countries on six continents.
Friday, March 11, 2005
World Economic Forum - Report SI 2004-2005
of the Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005
by Professor Klaus Schwab
The global economy is being changed in profound ways by the onward march of science and technology.
Technological change has, of course, always been a central engine of economic growth, but what is significant about the past decade is the acceleration in the pace of change and, as more and more countries have made efforts to improve their macroeconomic and policy environments, technology and technological innovation appear to have entered a “golden age”, a time when they are emerging as the key drivers of growth and development.
of the Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005
by Professor Klaus Schwab
The global economy is being changed in profound ways by the onward march of science and technology.
Technological change has, of course, always been a central engine of economic growth, but what is significant about the past decade is the acceleration in the pace of change and, as more and more countries have made efforts to improve their macroeconomic and policy environments, technology and technological innovation appear to have entered a “golden age”, a time when they are emerging as the key drivers of growth and development.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Fundación Chandra - España
La Fundación Chandra es una entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro constituida en Noviembre de 1999 con el objetivo de utilizar el potencial comunicativo que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la información -en especial, Internet- para conseguir un mayor compromiso por parte de todos los sectores de la sociedad -ciudadanos, empresas e instituciones- en beneficio de las organizaciones no gubernamentales y de las poblaciones más desfavorecidas para las que trabajan.
La Fundación Chandra es una entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro constituida en Noviembre de 1999 con el objetivo de utilizar el potencial comunicativo que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la información -en especial, Internet- para conseguir un mayor compromiso por parte de todos los sectores de la sociedad -ciudadanos, empresas e instituciones- en beneficio de las organizaciones no gubernamentales y de las poblaciones más desfavorecidas para las que trabajan.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
World Bank - ICT & Developpment - GICT
Bringing together IFC’s experience in private sector investment transactions and the World Bank’s expertise in policy and regulatory matters, the Global Information and Communication Technologies Department promotes access to information and communication technologies in developing countries. We serve as the World Bank Group’s core department for investment, policy, and programs related to information and communication technologies..
Bringing together IFC’s experience in private sector investment transactions and the World Bank’s expertise in policy and regulatory matters, the Global Information and Communication Technologies Department promotes access to information and communication technologies in developing countries. We serve as the World Bank Group’s core department for investment, policy, and programs related to information and communication technologies..
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Journal of Sysemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
As it was emphasized in the editorial of the first issue, the main purpose of the Journal is to collaborate in the systemization of knowledge and experience generated in the areas of Systemics, Cybernetics (communication and control) and Informatics. This systemization process necessarily implies a progressive increase and enlargement of the relatedness among the associated areas, as well as among their respective disciplines. So, improvement in interdisciplinary communication would provide a very good support for the sought systemization process. This is one of the main objectives of the Journal we are launching with this first issue, and our editorial policy will be directed by it...
As it was emphasized in the editorial of the first issue, the main purpose of the Journal is to collaborate in the systemization of knowledge and experience generated in the areas of Systemics, Cybernetics (communication and control) and Informatics. This systemization process necessarily implies a progressive increase and enlargement of the relatedness among the associated areas, as well as among their respective disciplines. So, improvement in interdisciplinary communication would provide a very good support for the sought systemization process. This is one of the main objectives of the Journal we are launching with this first issue, and our editorial policy will be directed by it...
Conferencia Regional SI - Río BRA
El gobierno de Brasil está promoviendo en Río de Janeiro, del 8 al 10 de junio de 2005, la Conferencia Regional Ministerial de América Latina y el Caribe, preparatoria para la segunda fase de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información. Concomitantemente, serán organizados, con amplia participación de la sociedad civil, academia y sector empresarial, seminarios sobre diversos temas de relevancia para la construcción de una Sociedad de la Información y su Plan de Acción Regional (eLac 2007).
El gobierno de Brasil está promoviendo en Río de Janeiro, del 8 al 10 de junio de 2005, la Conferencia Regional Ministerial de América Latina y el Caribe, preparatoria para la segunda fase de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información. Concomitantemente, serán organizados, con amplia participación de la sociedad civil, academia y sector empresarial, seminarios sobre diversos temas de relevancia para la construcción de una Sociedad de la Información y su Plan de Acción Regional (eLac 2007).
Monday, February 28, 2005
Microlearning - Innsbruck - Austria 2005
MICROLEARNING 2005, Learning & Working in New Media Environments International Conference
June 23 - 24, 2005 :: Innsbruck (Austria)
MICROLEARNING 2005 provides a multidisciplinary forum for intensive discussions on innovative approaches to and best practices in learning, teaching and gaining knowledge in the new media environments.
A new generation of educational programmes based on the concept of microcontent are being developed.
This conference focuses on Microlearning as offering key answers: learning in small units, developing flexible designs, designing mediated environments and integrating different learning models are seen to optimize the use of technologies for learners.
MICROLEARNING 2005, Learning & Working in New Media Environments International Conference
June 23 - 24, 2005 :: Innsbruck (Austria)
MICROLEARNING 2005 provides a multidisciplinary forum for intensive discussions on innovative approaches to and best practices in learning, teaching and gaining knowledge in the new media environments.
A new generation of educational programmes based on the concept of microcontent are being developed.
This conference focuses on Microlearning as offering key answers: learning in small units, developing flexible designs, designing mediated environments and integrating different learning models are seen to optimize the use of technologies for learners.
Researchstudio - Austria
Die Research Studios Austria sind eine außeruniversitäre Forschungsorganisation der ARC - Seibersdorf research GmbH, der führenden außeruniversitären Forschungsinstitution in Österreich.
Sie werden durch das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie und als Leitprojekt des Aktionsprogramms "Innovation durch eBusiness" des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit finanziert.
Die Research Studios Austria sind eine außeruniversitäre Forschungsorganisation der ARC - Seibersdorf research GmbH, der führenden außeruniversitären Forschungsinstitution in Österreich.
Sie werden durch das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie und als Leitprojekt des Aktionsprogramms "Innovation durch eBusiness" des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit finanziert.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
LEAP - Learning and Evaluation Program - Bellanet
The Learning and Evaluation Action Program (LEAP) is an initiative to promote a coordinated and comprehensive approach to learning about the use of knowledge and ICTs in international development. LEAP's main goals are to:
-support communities of interest around sharing experiences in using knowledge and ICTs for development;
-build capacity among LEAP participants to be able to learn from their own ICT experiences, and those of their partners;
-and, research the role of ICTs and knowledge in development, and how organizational learning and evaluation practices affect how we learn about this.
The Learning and Evaluation Action Program (LEAP) is an initiative to promote a coordinated and comprehensive approach to learning about the use of knowledge and ICTs in international development. LEAP's main goals are to:
-support communities of interest around sharing experiences in using knowledge and ICTs for development;
-build capacity among LEAP participants to be able to learn from their own ICT experiences, and those of their partners;
-and, research the role of ICTs and knowledge in development, and how organizational learning and evaluation practices affect how we learn about this.
Monday, February 21, 2005
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) W3C
"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
-- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web
"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
-- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web
Friday, February 18, 2005
e - Twinnings Europa
Las TIC permiten a los centros compartir información y conocimientos a través de las fronteras europeas. eTwinning permite integrar la ciudadanía europea y la riqueza lingüística y cultural de nuestro continente en una experiencia de aprendizaje eficaz y agradable para los jóvenes. eTwinning preve hermanamientos educativos en los que un gran número de profesores, directores y personal de apoyo de los centros colaboren en múltiples niveles y disciplinas durante un extenso periodo de tiempo.
El mayor activo de la acción eTwinning es el compromiso personal y la valiosa experiencia de los profesores y centros participantes. Estableciendo redes y aprendiendo unos de otros contribuyen al desarrollo cultural y social de la Europa del siglo XXI.
Las TIC permiten a los centros compartir información y conocimientos a través de las fronteras europeas. eTwinning permite integrar la ciudadanía europea y la riqueza lingüística y cultural de nuestro continente en una experiencia de aprendizaje eficaz y agradable para los jóvenes. eTwinning preve hermanamientos educativos en los que un gran número de profesores, directores y personal de apoyo de los centros colaboren en múltiples niveles y disciplinas durante un extenso periodo de tiempo.
El mayor activo de la acción eTwinning es el compromiso personal y la valiosa experiencia de los profesores y centros participantes. Estableciendo redes y aprendiendo unos de otros contribuyen al desarrollo cultural y social de la Europa del siglo XXI.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Computer Aid International - UK
La meta de Computer Aid International es, reducir la desigualdad digital, reciclando computadoras aquí en GB para que sean utilizadas en las escuelas y organismos comunitarios en los países en vías de desarrollo. 43.000 PC entregadas a Febrero de 2005.
Reflect and ICT Project - Uganda, Burundi, India
This DFID-funded project is exploring potential applications of ICTs for poor and marginalised people, linking to existing Reflect groups in Uganda, Burundi and India.
During the first year (2003), participating groups were encouraged to analyse issues around their own access to and control of information relating to their livelihoods: looking at the value of information to their own lives, the control of information resources, existing sources of information and communication mechanisms.
During the first year (2003), participating groups were encouraged to analyse issues around their own access to and control of information relating to their livelihoods: looking at the value of information to their own lives, the control of information resources, existing sources of information and communication mechanisms.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
ICT for Poverty Reduction & Growth - Development Gateway
ICT for Poverty Reduction & Growth This page is listing useful resources exploring a great potential of ICTs to reduce poverty and empower the poor to help themselves. Please share some other useful links with our community! Or leave a comment! See also our special feature on ICT for Poverty Reduction & Economic Growth
Infodev - The Information for Development Program
The Information for Development Program ( infoDev) helps developing countries and their international partners use information and communication broadly and effectively as tools of poverty reduction and sustainable economic growth. Housed at the World Bank, it is supported by more than 20 donors partners(recomendado por Rafael Capurro)
Internet Governance Project
Syracuse University
Georgia institute Of Technology
Center for Comparative and International Studies of the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
The Internet Governance Project (IGP) is an interdisciplinary consortium of academics with scholarly and practical expertise in international governance, Internet policy, and information and communication technology. The Project is conducting research on and publishing analysis of Internet governance.
Some of the work is intended to contribute to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance, as well as related debates at the international, regional and national levels.
Georgia institute Of Technology
Center for Comparative and International Studies of the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
The Internet Governance Project (IGP) is an interdisciplinary consortium of academics with scholarly and practical expertise in international governance, Internet policy, and information and communication technology. The Project is conducting research on and publishing analysis of Internet governance.
Some of the work is intended to contribute to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance, as well as related debates at the international, regional and national levels.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Netzwissenschaft - Deutschland erschließt die infrastruktur einzelwissenschaftlicher forschungen zum internet und gibt dadurch wissenschaft und öffentlichkeit einen überblick über die internetforschung im ganzen. indem netzwissenschaft streng vom netz her denkt, kann sie gegenüber den nicht am netz gewonnenen, nun aber auf das netz übertragenen einzelwissenschaftlichen methodologien eine kritische korrekturfunktion übernehmen. will sie sich selbst als wissenschaft professionalisieren, darf sie sich nicht auf technische netze beschränken, sondern muß als wissenschaft der netze alle formen des netzwissens zu ihrem gegenstand machen. netzwissenschaft wäre dann neben reflexionswissenschaft und anwendungswissenschaft der dritte pfeiler des wissenschaftssystems. erschließt die infrastruktur einzelwissenschaftlicher forschungen zum internet und gibt dadurch wissenschaft und öffentlichkeit einen überblick über die internetforschung im ganzen. indem netzwissenschaft streng vom netz her denkt, kann sie gegenüber den nicht am netz gewonnenen, nun aber auf das netz übertragenen einzelwissenschaftlichen methodologien eine kritische korrekturfunktion übernehmen. will sie sich selbst als wissenschaft professionalisieren, darf sie sich nicht auf technische netze beschränken, sondern muß als wissenschaft der netze alle formen des netzwissens zu ihrem gegenstand machen. netzwissenschaft wäre dann neben reflexionswissenschaft und anwendungswissenschaft der dritte pfeiler des wissenschaftssystems.
Negroponte (MediaLab-MIT) PC para el 3er. Mundo
[1]Nicholas Negroponte, fundador del [2]Media Lab del MIT, está diseñando un ordenador portátil que contaría con las funciones y características esenciales y se vendería a menos de 100 dólares. En su opinión, un ordenador de este tipo en cada casa o en manos de cada niño en países subdesarrollados sería una herramienta revolucionaria para la educación y el desarrollo de toda la comunidad.
Este portátil utilizaría una memoria flash de 1 GB en lugar de disco duro y dispondría de conectividad sin hilos (wifi). Todos los compomentes están pensados para reducir costes y consumo energético. La batería podría cargarse con una manivela. El aspecto más problemático parece ser la pantalla, que debería estar por debajo de los 30 dólares. Una de las opciones más prometedoras es la tecnología de tinta electrónica [3]E - Ink, que sólo consume electricidad cuando cambia la imagen. En cuanto al software, lógicamente se utilizaría el sistema operativo Linux.
[1]Nicholas Negroponte, fundador del [2]Media Lab del MIT, está diseñando un ordenador portátil que contaría con las funciones y características esenciales y se vendería a menos de 100 dólares. En su opinión, un ordenador de este tipo en cada casa o en manos de cada niño en países subdesarrollados sería una herramienta revolucionaria para la educación y el desarrollo de toda la comunidad.
Este portátil utilizaría una memoria flash de 1 GB en lugar de disco duro y dispondría de conectividad sin hilos (wifi). Todos los compomentes están pensados para reducir costes y consumo energético. La batería podría cargarse con una manivela. El aspecto más problemático parece ser la pantalla, que debería estar por debajo de los 30 dólares. Una de las opciones más prometedoras es la tecnología de tinta electrónica [3]E - Ink, que sólo consume electricidad cuando cambia la imagen. En cuanto al software, lógicamente se utilizaría el sistema operativo Linux.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Grupo de Trabajo s/Gobernanza en Internet - ONU 2004
Por: Carlos Alberto Afonso Publicado el: jue, 03 febrero 2005 16:34:26
Del 23 al 25 de noviembre de 2004 en Ginebra, Suiza, se llevó a cabo la primera reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Gobernanza de Internet (GTGI), creado por Naciones Unidas.
Carlos A. Afonso, director de planificación de RITS y miembro de la CV Mística, hace parte del GTGI, así como del Comité Gestor de Internet en Brasil. Tras su participación en Ginebra preparó un relato detallado sobre esa primera reunión. Entre otros puntos, el informe afirma que "la gobernanza de Internet va mucho más allá de lo que hace actualmente la ICANN (nombres, números y protocolos) y no hay todavía una propuesta consistente que cubra todos los aspectos de la gobernanza"
Por: Carlos Alberto Afonso Publicado el: jue, 03 febrero 2005 16:34:26
Del 23 al 25 de noviembre de 2004 en Ginebra, Suiza, se llevó a cabo la primera reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Gobernanza de Internet (GTGI), creado por Naciones Unidas.
Carlos A. Afonso, director de planificación de RITS y miembro de la CV Mística, hace parte del GTGI, así como del Comité Gestor de Internet en Brasil. Tras su participación en Ginebra preparó un relato detallado sobre esa primera reunión. Entre otros puntos, el informe afirma que "la gobernanza de Internet va mucho más allá de lo que hace actualmente la ICANN (nombres, números y protocolos) y no hay todavía una propuesta consistente que cubra todos los aspectos de la gobernanza"
Friday, February 11, 2005
One World - Africa
OneWorld is the world's favourite and fastest-growing civil society network online, supporting people’s media to help build a more just global society.
OneWorld is the world's favourite and fastest-growing civil society network online, supporting people’s media to help build a more just global society.
Datamations Foundation - India
Datamation Foundation is a non-profit, apolitical, non-partisan registered Charitable Trust (Trust Deed # 3258 dated March 8, 2001) with its head office at Delhi. The Foundation has been actively engaged in advocating, designing and implementing innovative Information and Communication Technology enabled initiatives to help meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) defined by the United Nations as below :
-Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
-Achieving universal primary education
-Achieving universal primary education
-Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women
-Reducing child mortality
-Improving maternal health
-Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other health disorders
-Ensuring environmental sustainability
-Developing a global partnership for development
-The Foundation targets women, economically and socially disadvantaged communities and youth in India and other developing countries.
-Gender equality, youth empowerment and poverty alleviation dovetailed with the MDGs are the main goals of the Trust.
Datamation Foundation is a non-profit, apolitical, non-partisan registered Charitable Trust (Trust Deed # 3258 dated March 8, 2001) with its head office at Delhi. The Foundation has been actively engaged in advocating, designing and implementing innovative Information and Communication Technology enabled initiatives to help meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) defined by the United Nations as below :
-Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
-Achieving universal primary education
-Achieving universal primary education
-Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women
-Reducing child mortality
-Improving maternal health
-Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other health disorders
-Ensuring environmental sustainability
-Developing a global partnership for development
-The Foundation targets women, economically and socially disadvantaged communities and youth in India and other developing countries.
-Gender equality, youth empowerment and poverty alleviation dovetailed with the MDGs are the main goals of the Trust.
Drishtee Foundation - India
VOICES, a unit of Madhyam Communications (a registered non-profit trust), was set up in 1991 as a development communications organisation working towards the empowerment of the disadvantaged and marginalised sections of society.
VOICES, a unit of Madhyam Communications (a registered non-profit trust), was set up in 1991 as a development communications organisation working towards the empowerment of the disadvantaged and marginalised sections of society.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
UNSA - ARG - Diego Saravia
Gobierno, gobernanza, administración, control, censura o penalización de Internet - Internet Governance -, vs. Los deberes de los gobiernos en relación a Internet.
En el marco de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI/WSIS) se debate con especial fuerza la cuestión del gobierno/gobernanza de Internet: Foro de discusión de la Cumbre. Este documento analiza críticamente algunas posiciones frecuentemente planteadas en el debate.
Gobierno, gobernanza, administración, control, censura o penalización de Internet - Internet Governance -, vs. Los deberes de los gobiernos en relación a Internet.
En el marco de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI/WSIS) se debate con especial fuerza la cuestión del gobierno/gobernanza de Internet: Foro de discusión de la Cumbre. Este documento analiza críticamente algunas posiciones frecuentemente planteadas en el debate.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Community Informatics Research Network - Prato, Italy 2004
Community Informatics Research Network 2004 Colloquium and Conference Proceedings, Sustainability and Community Technology:
What does this mean for Community Informatics? 29 September - 1 October 2004
Monash Centre, Prato, Italy
What does this mean for Community Informatics? 29 September - 1 October 2004
Monash Centre, Prato, Italy
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
First International Congress: E-Learning and social inclusion - Barcelona 2004
Our transition from an industrial society towards an informational one has clearly modified a series of social practices. Specific needs for the labour market, new forms of democratic participation, or access to education and culture are only three examples of how work, politics and education are changing due to the influence of ICT.
These new possibilities also strengthen certain exclusion mechanisms, while creating new ones. This is why the term “e-inclusion” appeared, to describe all those practices which try to reduce digital divide and assure that information society, besides being economically profitable, includes the values of justice, equality and solidarity.
Our transition from an industrial society towards an informational one has clearly modified a series of social practices. Specific needs for the labour market, new forms of democratic participation, or access to education and culture are only three examples of how work, politics and education are changing due to the influence of ICT.
These new possibilities also strengthen certain exclusion mechanisms, while creating new ones. This is why the term “e-inclusion” appeared, to describe all those practices which try to reduce digital divide and assure that information society, besides being economically profitable, includes the values of justice, equality and solidarity.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Els reptes educatius de la societat digital, 29, 30 de juny i 1 de juliol de 2005 Universitat de Barcelona
El Congrés pretén crear un espai de reflexió i debat sobre els reptes educatius plantejats en la societat digital.
Al mateix temps es pretenen recollir investigacions, projectes i experiències relacionades amb la producció i el disseny de materials multimèdia i l'educació oberta i a distància a través d'Internet. Els àmbits educatius abarquen tant la formació reglada en tots els seus nivells, com la formació no reglada.
El Congrés va dirigit als diferents professionals del sector: professorat de tots els nivells educatius, investigadors, empreses de multimèdia i/o aplicacions per internet, responsables de formació en general i alumnat de 2on i 3er cicle de Pedagogia, Formació del Professorat i altres estudis afins.
El Congrés pretén crear un espai de reflexió i debat sobre els reptes educatius plantejats en la societat digital.
Al mateix temps es pretenen recollir investigacions, projectes i experiències relacionades amb la producció i el disseny de materials multimèdia i l'educació oberta i a distància a través d'Internet. Els àmbits educatius abarquen tant la formació reglada en tots els seus nivells, com la formació no reglada.
El Congrés va dirigit als diferents professionals del sector: professorat de tots els nivells educatius, investigadors, empreses de multimèdia i/o aplicacions per internet, responsables de formació en general i alumnat de 2on i 3er cicle de Pedagogia, Formació del Professorat i altres estudis afins.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
The Mobile Communication Society: Wireles Technology - Castells y otros
The Mobile Communication Society:
A cross-cultural analysis of available evidence on the social uses of wireless communication technology
Manuel Castells (USC), Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol (UOC), Jock Linchuan Qiu (USC),and Araba Sey (USC)
This research report offers an analytical overview of existing research on the social uses of wireless communication technology. It seeks to provide a solid empirical basis for an informed discussion of the social uses
and social effects of wireless in Europe, the Asian Pacific and the United States. Major themes explored include the deep connection between wireless >communication and the emergence of youth culture, the transformation
of language by texting and multimodalty, the growing importance of wireless communication in socio-political mobilization, and changes in the practice of time and space resulting from wireless communication.
A research report prepared for the International Workshop on Wireless Communication Policies and Prospects: A Global Perspective, held at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, October 8th and 9th 2004.
A cross-cultural analysis of available evidence on the social uses of wireless communication technology
Manuel Castells (USC), Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol (UOC), Jock Linchuan Qiu (USC),and Araba Sey (USC)
This research report offers an analytical overview of existing research on the social uses of wireless communication technology. It seeks to provide a solid empirical basis for an informed discussion of the social uses
and social effects of wireless in Europe, the Asian Pacific and the United States. Major themes explored include the deep connection between wireless >communication and the emergence of youth culture, the transformation
of language by texting and multimodalty, the growing importance of wireless communication in socio-political mobilization, and changes in the practice of time and space resulting from wireless communication.
A research report prepared for the International Workshop on Wireless Communication Policies and Prospects: A Global Perspective, held at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, October 8th and 9th 2004.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Digital Division Program - Stanford University
Located at Stanford's Center for the Study of Language and Information, the Digital Vision Program supports social entrepreneurs who seek to leverage technology-based solutions in the interest of humanitarian, educational, and sustainable development goals. The Program fosters interdisciplinary projects and prototyping efforts that address real needs in underserved communities.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
DGOF -German Society for On Line Research
The 7th international conference GENERAL ONLINE RESEARCH 2005 (GOR05) will take place in Zurich from 22nd until 23rd of March 2005 (with additional pre-conference workshops on Monday 21st).
City University of Hong Kong
Departament of Information Systems, Research, City University of Hong Kong
>Mark P.A. Thompson, Mark P. A. "ICT, Power, and Developmental Discourse: A Critical Analysis." EJISD 20.4 (2004). 1-25.
>Mark P.A. Thompson, Mark P. A. "ICT, Power, and Developmental Discourse: A Critical Analysis." EJISD 20.4 (2004). 1-25.
WGIG - Working Group on Internet Governance
The main activity of the WGIG will be "to investigate and make proposals for action, as appropriate, on the governance of Internet by 2005." The WGIG is asked to present the result of its work in a report "for consideration and appropriate action for the second phase of the WSIS in Tunis 2005."
The main activity of the WGIG will be "to investigate and make proposals for action, as appropriate, on the governance of Internet by 2005." The WGIG is asked to present the result of its work in a report "for consideration and appropriate action for the second phase of the WSIS in Tunis 2005."
Ana María Moraes - PUC - SP - Brasil
Esta é a homepage de Ana Maria Moraes, aluna do mestrado do Departamento de Educação e Curriculo da PUC- SP e pesquisadora da Rede Computer Clubhouse. Essa Homepage tem como objetivo de sua criação indicar leituras na área de inclusão digital, educação à distância, construcionismo, robótica e protagonismo juvenil. Gostaria de agradecer à todos os colegas de trabalho que cooperaram com doações (indicações de sites) à Biblioteca Micromundos e à todos aqueles que acessaram e se beneficiaram dos conteúdos dessa homepage através das reflexões entre a teoria e a prática.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
TIC´s - WIP - Chile
DEI Project
proyecto que ha generado un espacio de debate y diálogo en Chile sobre el impacto de las TICs, potenciado desde la División de Acceso Universal de la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones y ejecutado por Fundación Casa de la Paz (con la asesoría de Rubén Araya).Actualmente el portal ya cuenta con informaciones y con una encuesta-consulta ciudadana sobre las iniciativas y políticas relacionadas con las TICs.
WIP Chile (World Internet Project) entregó los últimos resultados de una encuesta -panel aplicada a 1.200 usuarios del país. Entre las conclusiones del estudio (bastante más cuantitativo) se señala - El uso de Internet en Chile
está "madurando" y su crecimiento se desacelera ya que entre el 2003 y el 2004 hay un 3,4% que se "desconecta" de la red....
proyecto que ha generado un espacio de debate y diálogo en Chile sobre el impacto de las TICs, potenciado desde la División de Acceso Universal de la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones y ejecutado por Fundación Casa de la Paz (con la asesoría de Rubén Araya).Actualmente el portal ya cuenta con informaciones y con una encuesta-consulta ciudadana sobre las iniciativas y políticas relacionadas con las TICs.
WIP Chile (World Internet Project) entregó los últimos resultados de una encuesta -panel aplicada a 1.200 usuarios del país. Entre las conclusiones del estudio (bastante más cuantitativo) se señala - El uso de Internet en Chile
está "madurando" y su crecimiento se desacelera ya que entre el 2003 y el 2004 hay un 3,4% que se "desconecta" de la red....
Minnesota e-Democracy - USA
DEI ProjectMinnesota E-Democracy is a non-partisan citizen-based organization whose mission is to improve participation in democracy in Minnesota through the use of information networks. We seek to increase citizen participation in elections and public discourse through the use of information and communication technologies.
E-Democracy.Org is name we use for our new activities outside of Minnesota, including our U.S. election information directory and our forming local chapter in Chicago. As we enter our second decade, we are updating our mission, defining our core beliefs, and preparing a foundation for local chapters.
E-Democracy.Org is name we use for our new activities outside of Minnesota, including our U.S. election information directory and our forming local chapter in Chicago. As we enter our second decade, we are updating our mission, defining our core beliefs, and preparing a foundation for local chapters.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
DEI Project
Los encuentros en el Foro Social Mundial que tratan una diversidad de temas, ya han publicado un documento de Sally Burch sobre Derechos a la comunicación, nuevos retos, en que destaca la relevancia de la Sociedad de
la Información. En:
También en los documentos virtuales de ALAI, encontramos el artículo de A. Mattelart: "La Sociedad de la Información: la retórica en acción. En el que se pueden encontrar definiciones conceptuales diferenciadas entre
Sociedad de la Información y Sociedad del Conocimiento. En:
Los encuentros en el Foro Social Mundial que tratan una diversidad de temas, ya han publicado un documento de Sally Burch sobre Derechos a la comunicación, nuevos retos, en que destaca la relevancia de la Sociedad de
la Información. En:
También en los documentos virtuales de ALAI, encontramos el artículo de A. Mattelart: "La Sociedad de la Información: la retórica en acción. En el que se pueden encontrar definiciones conceptuales diferenciadas entre
Sociedad de la Información y Sociedad del Conocimiento. En:
Monday, January 31, 2005
Manuel Castells, FSM 2005
DEI Project
Castells, Manuel. "Innovation, Information Technology, and the Culture of Freedom:
The Political Economy of Open Source." FSM 2005 (29 Jan 2005).
Manuel Castells FSM 2005
Castells, Manuel. "Innovation, Information Technology, and the Culture of Freedom:
The Political Economy of Open Source." FSM 2005 (29 Jan 2005).
Manuel Castells FSM 2005
Institut Jules Destree - Wallonie en ligne - Prospective Internet 2005
DEI Project
Les réseaux numériques comme outils structurants des territoires de la connaissance Colloque international organisé par le Pôle Information de l'Institut Jules-Destrée Château de Namur, Vendredi 4 mars 2005.
Les réseaux numériques comme outils structurants des territoires de la connaissance Colloque international organisé par le Pôle Information de l'Institut Jules-Destrée Château de Namur, Vendredi 4 mars 2005.
Choike - Acuerdos Comerciales y TIC
DEI Project
La información de Choike muy bien trabajada posee enlaces de acuerdos y documentos de la CMSI, destaco un trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA; de Guillermo Mastrini y Diego de Charras: " 20 años
no es nada del NOMIC a la CMSI"; que trabajan desde la perspectiva histórica la relación dicotómica entre información= bien público y mercantilización= información, mercancía restringida, bien privado; así como el papel de
la UNESCO aliada al sector privatizado de la UIT y ciertas organizaciones(corporaciones) que dan cuenta de su inclusión en la sociedad civil.
La información de Choike muy bien trabajada posee enlaces de acuerdos y documentos de la CMSI, destaco un trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA; de Guillermo Mastrini y Diego de Charras: " 20 años
no es nada del NOMIC a la CMSI"; que trabajan desde la perspectiva histórica la relación dicotómica entre información= bien público y mercantilización= información, mercancía restringida, bien privado; así como el papel de
la UNESCO aliada al sector privatizado de la UIT y ciertas organizaciones(corporaciones) que dan cuenta de su inclusión en la sociedad civil.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
IDRC - Canadá
DEI Project
Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, Canadá
e-Boletín "Compartimos"
Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, Canadá
e-Boletín "Compartimos"
Congreso Internacional - El Profesorado y la SI
DEI Project
Granada, España, Febrero - Marzo 2005
Granada, España, Febrero - Marzo 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Learning Development Instituto - USA - Europe
The Learning Development Institute is a transdisciplinary networked learning community devoted to excellence in the development and study of learning.
The Learning Development Institute is a transdisciplinary networked learning community devoted to excellence in the development and study of learning.
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